In special workshops we train medical colleagues how to perform and improve injections for the best of patient care.
Botox is injected into muscles and leads to temporary muscle relaxation. For medical indications, we inject Botox with very thin cannulas, comparable to acupuncture needles, into the overly activated and tense muscles. Precision in placements of Botox is facilitated by using electromyography (EMG). Smallest amounts – drops! – are applied and usually have an effect lasting for three more months, which is very favourable for patients who are not able to control muscle tension with other therapeutic measures.
Injections are performed trans-cutaneous and take only a few minutes. Indications in our field are spasmodic dysphonia (syn. for focal dystonia), however other indications are also within the field of our therapy such as cervical dystonia, bruxism, dysphagia, muscle tension dysphonia (only in severe cases), and most recently also in chronic sensory cough.