The Trans*Voice-Speech-Therapy

Male-to-Female (MtF)

Born as a biological male, and usually already clearly marked vocally by a masculine, deep voice sound due to the changes of puberty, women in the course of their transition from man to woman are looking for help to express their femininity vocally as well. What is needed is competent support that is familiar with the topic of vocal feminization with all its ups and downs and that is specialized in the special needs and subtleties of vocal passing. Trans*Voice voice work for MzF (MtF) transgender, transsexual, transidente people is based on extensive expertise, empathy and collaboration. We get to know you where you are and partner with you on your journey to the female voice.


Voice Feminization Surgery – yes or no?

Voice feminization surgery is a viable option when:
* the client has great difficulty raising her pitch (or cannot do it at all).
* a transfer of the raised speaking voice pitch into everyday life is not successful
* the pitch drops unintentionally in situations such as coughing and sneezing
* the use of the female voice leads to severe pain or tension.
(Södersten et al. 2019).
At the MEDICAL VOICE CENTER we offer a voice feminization complete package (voice equalizing surgery plus Trans*Voice voice work). In our opinion and out of deep conviction, the combination of voice raising surgery embedded in exercises on all other aspects relevant to the female voice offers the most convincing results. Current international studies support this model.

Trans*Voice-Speech-Therapy in combination with the surgery “Glottoplastiy” as a complete package.

This “package” includes the voice raising surgery “glottoplasty” with pre- and aftercare as well as 6 hours of Trans*Voice voice work. In the first history taking conversation, the most burning questions can usually already be clarified and good insights into the upcoming voice transition can be gained. In case of existing vocal problems, first exercises are worked out in order to create the conditions for a better voice later on. Subsequent lessons will take place after surgery to accompany a safe introduction to the new voice and provide support for healthy voice use. When scheduling your follow-up appointments, we try to combine medical and voice therapy interventions so that your journey can be used as effectively as possible. Individual issues can also be addressed via Skype, but we make limited use of this technical option to ensure the quality and accuracy of fine voice work.
Since the majority of our clients do not come from Hamburg, we would like to offer you a first introduction and understanding of working on your feminine voice with these 10 hours. We would be happy to support you in finding a voice therapist close to home for the further course and are looking forward to further exchange, should this be desired.

Content of the Trans*Voice-Speech-Therapy

1. Understanding the vocal and speech processes
2. Own and external perception of speech and personal impact
3. Formulate wishes, goals and role models
4. Exercises for warm-up, cool-down as well as for prophylaxis and voice hygiene
5. Exercises on female articulation, speech melody and speech
6. Working out the female pitch (if necessary)
7. Reinforce the female resonances
8. Resilience training of the new voice without overloading the larynx
9. Body language – development of an individual and authentic body language
(e.g., facial expressions / gestures / body tension (tone) / posture / movement / expression)
10. Exercises for the home

Topics of Trans*Voice-Speech-Therapy

Anamnesis, diagnosis, general impression, discussions, self-disclosure
Voice diagnostics, voice field measurement, voice recordings
General sanitary measures
Understanding of vocal and speech processes
Relationships between respiratory pressure and voice use, phonation and articulation
Resonance / Tuning Areas / Timbre
Speech melody (prosody), modulation
Flexible change of the vocal tract to obtain female resonances
Create a finer, more precise, more flexible articulation
Development of natural, female stress patterns
Vocabulary, syntax, topics
“Gender typical” word choice and sentence structure
Nonverbal communication
Movement and gestures, appearance, posture, facial expressions
avoid badly controlled natural sounds
Avoidance of unphysiological and hard voice missions
Information on postoperative voice behavior