Prof. Dr. Markus M. Hess
Dr. Gregor Hess

Address: Martinistr. 64, 20251 Hamburg
Telephone: 040-5 13 13 007

Inspecting authority: Ärztekammer Hamburg, Humboldtstr. 56, 22083 Hamburg

Occupational title: Arzt (awarded by Bundesrepublik Deutschland)

Professional regulations:
Berufsordnung der Ärztekammer Hamburg
Heilberufsordnung des Landes Hamburg

Picture Credits

  • flickr_401289204_dc315385b0 © Scott Beale / Laughing Squid
  • Fotolia_56682109 © maxcam /
  • Fotolia_64292063 © maxcam /
  • Fotolia_76765078 © lightpoet /
  • Fotolia_80692840 © underdogstudios /
  • Fotolia_82664067 © underdogstudios /
  • Fotolia_88008892 © Marco2811 /
  • iStock_170616949 © ardaguldogan /


Managin Director

Dipl.-Ing. Frank Müller

Address: Martinistr. 64, 20251 Hamburg
Telephone: 040-5 13 13 007

Amtsgericht Hamburg, HRB 126700, Umsatzsteueridentifikationsnummer: DE290352914 (Finanzamt Hamburg-Nord)

Photos: Thomas Eigel, Meeke Voges, Jesko Braun

Webdesign: marcitekturei

Innendesign: SK-Konzept Susanne Korden



Website contents
Users of website agree that information provided here does not constitute medical consultation or treatment. Use of website and / or materials signifies agreement with this disclaimer and the other components of our Terms of Use. Persons who do not agree must refrain from using this site or its materials. The contents of this website were written with due diligence and by the author’s best knowledge. We cannot guarantee the correctness of the content. We can be held liable only by general laws, especially for our own contents (§ 7 TMG, German law on tele-media) and for external contents (§§ 8–10 TMG). As a Provider of tele-media we can be held liable for external contents. This applies only in the case that we have knowledge of a concrete infringement of law.

Links on external websites
Contents of external websites on which we are linking direct or indirect are beyond our responsibility and are not adopted as our own content. When the links were published, we checked the websites for any illegal activities or contents. If we receive knowledge of illegal contents on these linked websites, we will delete the according links.

Intellectual property rights
All content of this website, especially texts, pictures, images, graphical presentations, music, trademarks, brands and so forth, are subject to copyright laws. The use, reproduction and so on are subject to the individual rights of the respective owner of the copyright or administrator of these rights. Content of third parties is marked as such. Please report any copyright issues to us.

Registration for courses, seminars, workshops and conferences from the MEDICAL VOICE CENTER

Your registration for one of our courses, seminars, workshops and conferences (in the following text called “event”) is binding. We require your pre-registration always in written, preferably as email directed to You will receive either a confirmation email, alternatively a confirmation fax or a confirmation letter which proves your registration and makes you eligible for participation at the event you registered for. We are sorry that your participation is only possible when we have proved and attested your registration with a written confirmation sent from the MEDICAL VOICE CENTER previous to the event. Registration is handled with a first-come-first-serve policy. In case of a fully booked event, we are happy to place you on a waiting list (only on request). As soon a vacancy turns up, we will inform you immediately.

Cancellation policy: please understand that in cases of cancellation until 14 days prior to the event we have to deduct 30% of the participation fee for administrative and organisational reasons, and that cancellation within the last two weeks before the event the full amount will be deducted. However, there is a possibility to transfer the eligibility of participation to another person, when a full name, address and contact information are given to us in due time beforehand. At any rate, every cancellation is required in written via email, fax or letter and has to be confirmed by MEDICAL VOICE CENTER.

If an event has an important reason, e.g. if the lecturer’s illness or insufficient number of participants are canceled, the event will be repeated at a later date and the participation tickets will remain valid. No further claims can be made. Changes, e.g. the organizer reserves the right to change the venue, etc.

After the participant has received the invoice, bank transferral of the full participation fee is required. We ask to transfer the participation fee (including possible bank transferral charges and commission fees) within seven days, otherwise we would have to cancel the registration and thus enable other participants to attend our event. Every participant receives a certificate of participation. Please understand that due to tax regulations we will only be able to hand out receipts and certificates after the event took place