Singer-Check-up – who needs that?
The annual preventive medical checkup is a matter of course for most people. Particularly for people whose jobs place heavy demands on certain areas of the body and who depend on these areas to function without restriction, regular confirmation that „everything is in order“ is of immense importance. Professional singers are among these people. They can only perform their vocal profession at a high level if their voice can be reliably called up on stage without any special intervention. Regular voice check-ups give them confidence about the condition of their voice. They also help to detect incipient functional limitations and to counteract them quickly with adequate means before they become chronically entrenched.

Check-up for the professional singing voice
The interdisciplinary voice team of the MEDICAL VOICE CENTER offers a 4-hour singer check-up for professional singers of all genres.
The offer includes a comprehensive medical history interview, a thorough vocal examination, a digital professional voice and speech analysis with the LingWaves program, a manual treatment and intensive coaching for the singing voice, taking into account the results of the previous examinations. Together with you, we discuss possible approaches for optimized vocalization and advise you on good vocal hygiene.
With this comprehensive singer check-up, you will be „on the safe side“ vocally.
Scope of services Singer Check-Up
Part 1 – Investigations and basis of analysis
- Medical history
- Singer VHI
- Discussion of the singer’s individual situation.
- Clarification of the presence of any voice complaints
- Subjective movement log – evaluation by the singer.
- Recording and evaluation of your vocal range and dynamics with LingWaves
- Acoustic and videostroboscopic assessment of your voice
- Clarification of the current condition of the vocal folds
- Clarification of any hearing findings – RBH assessment
- Stroboscopic („slow motion“) observation of the vocal folds during singing
- Clarification of the vocal fold behavior with the different dynamics and pitches during singing
- Special attention to the singing strategy during passaggio
Discussion and analysis of the results.
If the above examination reveals organic or functional voice disorders, e.g. singer’s nodules, we will show you a treatment plan.
Part 2 – Singing pedagogical and voice therapy work
- Manual palpation
- Discussion of the muscular structures with regard to possible faulty tensions
- Manual stretching of the tense areas
- Exercises according to individual needs in the areas of perception, posture, movement, breathing, voice (singing and speaking voice), resonance, articulation, emotion.
- Teaching of voice hygiene measures.
- Warm-up exercises and cool-down strategies
Part 3 – Final discussion, discussion of a possible practice path for optimizing the singing voice.
- Reflection
- Findings from the check-up
- Which exercises were helpful for the specific problem?
- Transfer: Discussion of a strategy to transfer the findings to everyday life and the stage.