functional blockage

After my thyroid surgery (cold lump) on December 14th, 2020, I was hoarse and could hardly speak. Several ENT consultations followed with the diagnosis of left vocal cord paralysis, paramedian position. In addition, there was an increasing shortage of breath, which restricted me more and more. Despite cortisone shock therapy, speech therapy with electrical stimulation and breathing training with the LaxVox tube, it didn’t get better, the dyspnea got worse. This severely restricted both my professional and personal life.
Through internet research I became aware of Professor Hess in Hamburg. In my first phone call, I immediately noticed the extreme friendliness. They reacted very understandingly to my problem and I got a quick appointment for February 4th, 2021.It was possible to drive the car directly into the underground car park and from there it was no problem to get to the practice. On the day of my appointment, I was very nervous and tense. When I entered the practice, I immediately noticed the calm that this practice exudes. Everything had a very positive effect on me. I felt comfortable and in good hands. Great importance is attached to hygiene, all corona guidelines are followed.

First, a very nice employee made a recording of my voice. The examination room looked to me like a small operating room. There I saw devices that I had never seen before at an ENT doctor.Professor Hess took a lot of time for me, explained every step of the examination very detailed, and he took away all fear and tension from me. The anesthesia before the reflection of the vocal cords was uncomfortable. I was given 2 x 1ml lidocaine solution through my nose. The solution then had to be swallowed. It gave me a gag reflex. I then felt a swelling in the throat area. Professor Hess also explained this step to me very detailed before the examination.After the reflection, Professor Hess said to me that he can help me and that IMMEDIATELY! That was important to me!I had a functional blockage. Using targeted manual, osteopathic therapy according to Jacob Lieberman, and parallel voice exercises, Professor Hess released my blockage. The final voice test was no comparison to the first voice recording before the therapy.For me it was like a biblical miracle that I a) could speak again and b) no longer had dyspnea.

Thanks to Professor Hess, I was spared a great deal of grief. I don’t need to go to a speech therapist anymore. I also don’t have to worry about moving out of the 3rd floor without a lift. The already planned restructuring of my workplace is no longer necessary.

I can only recommend everyone not to avoid the trip to Hamburg before a lengthy therapy and to visit Professor Hess.

Elke A., 51, from Duisburg, Germany