Globus pharynges. Presentation. 17th Workshop on Phonosurgery combined with the 2nd Meeting of The International Association of Trans Voice Surgeons. November 2023, Mumbai, India.
Challenges and pitfalls in pitch raising glottoplasty. Keynote lecture. Dr. M. V. Kirtane Oration. 17th Workshop on Phonosurgery combined with the 2nd Meeting of The International Association of Trans Voice Surgeons. November 2023, Mumbai, India.
Medical Expert Training: Phonosurgery in the office. 2-day hands-on workshop held by Olympus Europe. October 2023, Hamburg, Germany.
Blue lasers in Phonosurgery. 2-day hands-on workshop. October 2023, Hamburg, Germany.
Medical Expert Training: Phonosurgery in the office. 2-day hands-on workshop held by Olympus. October 2023, Istanbul, Turkiye.
Phonosurgery – State of the art. Keynote speech. 67th Austrian ENT society meeting. September 2023, Vienna, Austria.
Phonosurgery in singers and immediate postoperative voice rehabilitation. Keynote speech. 15th International Tutorial Symposium Salzburg. Voice care on stage. Salzburg, Austria.
Techniques in transnasal laser phonosurgery in topical anesthesia. Presentation by invitation. Scientific coordination and course director. 15th International Tutorial Symposium Salzburg. Voice care on stage. Salzburg, Austria.
Vocal Health and Medicine. Online Zoom meeting. Summer Institute for Somatic Voicework. July 2023, New York. USA.
Vocal fold leukoplakia presenting as biofilm or dysplasia: One laser for both indications? Video presentation. Biannual meeting of the European Laryngological Society (ELS). May 2023, Milano, Italy.
Mitomycin C: A pledge for its revival in the treatment of vocal fold synechia. Oral presentation. Biannual meeting of the European Laryngological Society (ELS). May 2023, Milano, Italy.
Augmentation for the advanced phonosurgeon. Biannual meeting of the European Laryngological Society (ELS). May 2023, Milano, Italy.
Flexible endoscopy: Best practice for anesthesia – injections – augmentations. Olympus industrial session. Biannual meeting of the European Laryngological Society (ELS). May 2023, Milano, Italy.
Office-based laryngological procedures by fiber-guided blue laser. Biannual meeting of the European Laryngological Society (ELS). May 2023, Milano, Italy.
Treatment of Reinke’s edema – is blue light laser the future? Video presentation. Biannual meeting of the European Laryngological Society (ELS). May 2023, Milano, Italy.
How a multidisciplinary team can change an MD’s decision making: The experience of the Medical Voice Center in Hamburg. Round Table. Biannual meeting of the European Laryngological Society (ELS). May 2023, Milano, Italy.
Phonosurgery of benign glottic lesions. Round Table. Biannual meeting of the European Laryngological Society (ELS). May 2023, Milano, Italy.
Operating room or office: Decision-making for laryngological intervention. Round Table. Biannual meeting of the European Laryngological Society (ELS). May 2023, Milano, Italy.
Voice management in transgender patients: Cases and discussion. Round Table. Biannual meeting of the European Laryngological Society (ELS). May 2023, Milano, Italy.
TruBlue laser meeting. Share your experience. Presentation together with Guillermo Campos at the ARC Laser industrial session during the biannual meeting of the European Laryngological Society (ELS). May 2023, Milano, Italy.
Blue laser. Presentation by invitation. III Curso practico de patologia de la voz, neurolaringologia y disfagia. May 2023, Bilbao, Spain.
Biopsies and injections. Presentation by invitation. III Curso practico de patologia de la voz, neurolaringologia y disfagia. May 2023, Bilbao, Spain.
Bilateral vocal fold paralysis. 30th Congress of the Union of European Phoniatricians (UEP). April 2023, Antalya, Turkiye.
Blue laser and voice. 30th Congress of the Union of European Phoniatricians (UEP). April 2023, Antalya, Turkiye.
Glottoplasty: Advantages of combined surgery with pattern retraining therapy. 30th Congress of the Union of European Phoniatricians (UEP). April 2023, Antalya, Turkiye.
Spasmodic dysphonia: Transnasal injection technique for ADSD. 30th Congress of the Union of European Phoniatricians (UEP). April 2023, Antalya, Turkiye.
Injections, biopsies, lasers: Pre-conference Instructional Course on office-based procedures. 30th Congress of the Union of European Phoniatricians (UEP). April 2023, Antalya, Turkiye.
‚Office-based procedures‘ in der Laryngologie. Presentation by invitation. XXXVI Neusser HNO-Kolloquium. April 2023, Neuss, Germany.
Round Table: Resilience (Resilienz – Widerstandskraft der Behandelnden) and Round Table: Mucus (Verschleimung). Moderation. 6th Hamburger Stimmsymposium 2023. April 2023, Hamburg, Germany.
Overview – hearing and seeing voice disorders (Überblick Stimmstörungen – hören und sehen) and Voice deepening (Stimmvertiefung). Presentations at the 6th Hamburger Stimmsymposium 2023. April 2023, Hamburg, Germany.
Phonomicrosurgery. Keynote speech on invitation. National conference on voice disorders: Vocea ta conteaza. March 2023, Bucharest, Romania.
Botulinum toxin injections. National conference on voice disorders: Vocea ta conteaza. March 2023, Bucharest, Romania.
Thyroplasty type I – implant designs. National conference on voice disorders: Vocea ta conteaza. March 2023, Bucharest, Romania.
Spasmodic dysphonia: new transnasal injection techniques. Presentation at the Otolaryngology Updates – 48 hours of live webinar. UCI – ASAN – UKE universities. International virtual conference. February 2023, USA.
Medical Expert Training: Phonosurgery in the office. 2-day hands-on workshop held by Olympus Europe. February 2023, Hamburg, Germany.
Medical Expert Training: Phonosurgery in the office. 1-day hands-on workshop held by Olympus EMEA. January 2023, Dubai, Emirates.
Application of blue lasers in ENT – laryngology. Keynote presentation by invitation. Dundee ENT laser safety & application course (online). December 2022, Dundee, UK.
Office-based interventions – tips and tricks. Virtual consultation and webinar by Olympus Europe. November 2022, Hamburg, Germany.
Dysplasia, synechia, implant types, laser surgery, live in-office surgery, hands-on skill training, and moderation at the two-day hands-on workshop ‘Surgery techniques in laryngology’ in collaboration with Hans Mahieu, Elisabeth Sjögren, and Ahmed Geneid. November 2022, Hamburg, Germany.
Live surgery broadcast of two cases. Office-based RRP laser surgery and office-based botulinum toxin injection. Worldwide web-based surgery demonstration. ELS Live Surgery Broadcast. November 2022, Hamburg, Germany.
Transgender voices – modern approach, care, surgical procedures. Keynote speech. Invitation to the 9th Conference „Voice-Body-Expression“ by Mix Singers Association. Poland.
Updates on Phonosurgery. Keynote speech. Turkish Voice Society. Zoom meeting. November 2022, Turkiye.
Medical Expert Training: Phonosurgery in the office. 2-day hands-on workshop held by Olympus Europe. November 2022, Hamburg, Germany.
Wendler’s glottoplasty: experiences, challenges, and technical modifications. Keynote speech at the 6th Congress of European ORL-HNS, October 2022, Milan, Italy.
Stop using big tubes! A plea for sanity in airway management. Session chair. at the 6th Congress of European ORL-HNS, October 2022, Milan, Italy.
Pearls and pitfalls in office-based laser surgery. Oral presentation at the 6th Congress of European ORL-HNS, October 2022, Milan, Italy.
Setting up an office-based laryngology practice: the do’s and don’ts. Oral presentation at the 6th Congress of European ORL-HNS, October 2022, Milan, Italy.
Laryngology: what can I do in the office? Oral presentation at the 6th Congress of European ORL-HNS, October 2022, Milan, Italy.
New trends in mini-invasive surgery: Lamina propria surgery: Where we are and where we want to go? Oral presentation at the 6th Congress of European ORL-HNS, October 2022, Milan, Italy.
Pearls and pitfalls in office-based laser surgery: Anesthesia and technical aspects. Oral presentation at the 6th Congress of European ORL-HNS, October 2022, Milan, Italy.
Transnasal injection of BTX into the ventricular folds – a new paradigm? Oral presentation at the pre-conference Instructional Course on office-based procedures. 6th Congress of European ORL-HNS, October 2022, Milan, Italy.
Augmentation and the role of three-dimensional molding during surgery. Oral presentation. The 16th Meeting of the International Association of Phonosurgery (IAP). October 2022, Kyoto, Japan.
The role of the blue laser compared to the KTP laser. Oral presentation. The 16th Meeting of the International Association of Phonosurgery (IAP). October 2022, Kyoto, Japan.
Glottoplasty technique for male-to-female transgender patients. Keynote speech. The 16th Meeting of the International Association of Phonosurgery (IAP). October 2022, Kyoto, Japan.
Fiber-guided laser surgery: Do we have to stick to laser energy settings? Poster presentation. Fall Voice Conference. October 2022, San Francisco, CA, USA.
Blue Laser Workshop. Presenter at the hands-on workshop held by ARC Laser. October 2022, San Francisco, CA, USA.
Transstimme. Prerecorded presentation at GENDERTREFF. September 2022, Leverkusen, Germany.
Difficult singer’s personalities and how to deal with them. Jacob Lieberman and Markus Hess. Presentation at the CoMeT session within the Pan European Voice Conference (PEVOC). August 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Tools for phonosurgery. Presentation at the Pan European Voice Conference (PEVOC). August 2022, Tallinn, Estonia.
Feminization of voice: glottoplasty. Presentation at the Pan European Voice Conference (PEVOC). August 2022, Tallinn, Estonia.
Interdisciplinary expert meeting: Phonosurgery in voice professionals. Round Table. Pan European Voice Conference (PEVOC). August 2022, Tallinn, Estonia.
Interdisciplinary Round Table Dysphonia. Round Table. Pan European Voice Conference (PEVOC). August 2022, Tallinn, Estonia.
Endoscopy, stroboscopy, VKG and high speed imaging. Frank Müller & Markus Hess. Presentation at the scientific meeting of the European Academy of Voice (EAV). August 2022, Tallinn, Estonia.
Dissection and phonosurgery. Presentation at the scientific meeting of the European Academy of Voice (EAV). August 2022, Tallinn, Estonia.
From diagnosis to phonosurgery and rehabilitation. Keynote lecture by invitation. Seminar of the University of Modena. July 2022, Modena, Italy.
Medical Expert Training: Phonosurgery in the office. 2-day hands-on workshop held by Olympus Europe. July 2022, Hamburg, Germany.
Stimmfeminisierung. Presentation by invitation. Webinar by the Bavarian voice society. July 2022, Munich, Germany.
Office based phonosurgery: Indications and techniques. Lecture by invitation. Collegium Medicorum Theatri (CoMeT). Webinar. July 2022, Mexico City, Mexico.
Founding, organisation and chairing of the International Association of Transvoice surgeons. Trans*Voice Symposium. June 2022, Berlin, Germany.
Office based surgery – personal experience. Presentation by invitation. Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Otorinolaringoloiatria e Chirurgia Cervico-Faciale (SIO). May 2022, Rome, Italy.
Nach fest kommt ab – Resilienz in der Laryngologie. Key note speech. Congress of the Bund Deutscher Gesangspädagogen (BDG). April 2022, Osnabrück, Germany.
Kontaktgranulom, Tracheal Shave, Glottoplastik, schwierige Fälle. Presentations at the 5th Hamburger Stimmsymposium 2022. April 2022, Hamburg, Germany.
Phonomicrosurgery, hemorrhage, professional voice use, laser vocal fold surgery, hidden lesions. Presentations at Istanbul Voice Conference. April 2022, Istanbul, Turkiye.
Phoniatrics and phonosurgery: Up to date. Key note address. Grand Rounds in otolaryngology, head and neck surgery. ENT society of Emilia-Romagna and Veneto. April 2022, Bologna, Italy.
Imaging, augmentation, thyroplasty, phonomicrosurgery, office-based surgery, globus pharyngis, glottoplasty, hemorrhage, R-CPD, synechia, ILO. Full-day online course with presentations at the academic course ‚Vocologia Clinica’. April 2022, Ravenna, Italy.
Dysplasia, synechia, implant types, laser surgery, live in-office surgery, hands-on skill training and moderation at the two-day hands-on workshop ‘Surgery techniques in laryngology’ in collaboration with Hans Mahieu, Elisabeth Sjögren and Ahmed Geneid. March 2022, Hamburg, Germany.
Medical Expert Training: Phonosurgery in the office. 2-day hands-on workshop held by Olympus Europe. February 2022, Hamburg, Germany.
Pitch raising surgery – glottoplasty. Presentation at the Otolaryngology Updates – 48 hours of live webinar. UCI – ASAN – UKE universities. International virtual conference. February 2022, USA.
Rekurrensparese, R-CPD und Kontaktgranulom. Laryngologie highlights. Online-tutorial. February 2022, Hamburg, Germany.
Vocal Feminization Surgery with Glottoplasty. Presentation on invitation by the European Laryngological Society (ELS). Virtual webinar. February 2022.
Medical Expert Training: Phonosurgery in the office. 2-day hands-on workshop held by Olympus Europe. February 2022, Hamburg, Germany.
In-office phonosurgery. Keynote speech by invitation. The Laryngology and Speech Language Pathology Conference. Arab Health. February 2022, UAE.
State of art office based laryngeal surgeries. Keynote speech. Presentation by invitation of Israeli Laryngology Society. International webinar workshop. February 2022, Israel.
Synechie und Operationen im Behandlungsstuhl. Laryngologie highlights. Online-tutorial. January 2022, Hamburg, Germany.
Transnasal interventions in the office. Keynote address on invitation. 50th anniversary of the UEP. December 2021, Belgrade, Serbia.
Application of blue lasers in ENT – laryngology. Keynote presentation by invitation. Dundee ENT laser safety & application course (online). December 2021, Dundee, UK.
Medical Expert Training: Phonosurgery in the office. 2-day hands-on workshop held by Olympus Europe. December 2021, Hamburg, Germany.
Globus, Altersstimme, Transstimme. Laryngologie highlights. Online-tutorial. December 2021, Hamburg, Germany.
Live surgery broadcast of two cases. Office-based RRP laser surgery and office-based botulinumtoxin injection. Worldwide web-based surgery demonstration. ELS Live Surgery. November 2021, Hamburg, Germany.
History and reality in phonosurgery and its impacts on voice therapy: ENT-SLP partnership. Office based surgery. IAP session at the CEV 40 summit. November 2021, Sao Paolo, Brazil.
Aryluxation, spasmodische Dysphonie und Stroboskopie. Laryngologie highlights. Online-tutorial. November 2021, Hamburg, Germany.
Phonochirurgie. Keynote presentation by invitation. Herbsttagung. Uniklinikum Regensburg. November 2021, Regensburg, Germany.
Retrograde cricopharyngeal dysfunction (R-CPD). Presentation by invitation. 77th Chilean Congress of Otorhinolaryngology (LXXVII Congreso chileno de otorrinolaringología). November 2021, Chile.
Phonomicrosurgery. Keynote lecture. 77th Chilean Congress of Otorhinolaryngology (LXXVII Congreso chileno de otorrinolaringología). November 2021, Chile.
Office based laryngeal surgeries in professional voice users. Keynote address. Presentation by invitation. 15th phonosurgery course – webinar based international workshop. November 2021, India.
Imaging, augmentation, thyroplasty, phonomicrosurgery, office-based surgery, globus pharyngis, glottoplasty, hemorrhage, R-CPD, synechia, ILO. Full-day online course with presentations at the academic course ‚Vocologia Clinica’. November 2021, Ravenna, Italy.
Dysplasia, synechia, implant types, laser surgery, live in-office surgery, hands-on skill training and moderation at the two-day hands-on workshop ‘Surgery techniques in laryngology’ in collaboration with Hans Mahieu, Elisabeth Sjögren and Ahmed Geneid. November 2021, Hamburg, Germany.
Vocal fold hemorrhage. Presentation on invitation at 9th Mexico International Laryngology Seminar Update (online). Mexico, October 2021.
Type I: Medialisation Thyroplasty – Indications, Techniques, How to do it! Presentation on invitation at the laryngology session at the annual meeting of the South African Society of Otorhinolaryngology Virtual Congress 2021. South Africa, October 2021.
Type IV: Stretching Thyroplasty – Raising the Pitch, Vocal Feminization Glottoplasty. Presentation on invitation at the laryngology session at the annual meeting of the South African Society of Otorhinolaryngology Virtual Congress 2021. South Africa, October 2021.
How I do it in the office! Laser for RRP and injections. Presentation on invitation at the laryngology session at the annual meeting of the South African Society of Otorhinolaryngology Virtual Congress 2021. South Africa, October 2021.
Live Patient Demo through Dr. Lance Maron. Moderation of session at the laryngology session at the annual meeting of the South African Society of Otorhinolaryngology Virtual Congress 2021. South Africa, October 2021.
The blue laser – properties, indications and clinical applications. Presentation at the ARC Laser industrial session during the annual Fall Voice Meeting. Workshop. Miami, Florida, USA.
Update on Phonosurgery. Presentation on invitation. Italian association of otorinolaringoiatri liberi professionisti. Riva del Garda, Italy. September 2021.
Office based laser treatment in the larynx. Presentation on invitation. Online webinar. Swedish foniatric society’s national meeting. Sweden. September 2021.
Phonosurgery (Phonochirurgie). Presentation on invitation. Annual meeting of the German society of phoniatric and pediatric audiology (DGPP). Online webinar. Hamburg, Germany. September 2021.
Voice feminisation surgery with glottoplasty. Annual international conference of Collegium Medicorum Theatri (CoMeT). Online webinar. UK, September 2021.
Keynote speech on invitation. Part. I Refined endoscopic diagnostics and non-sedated interventions in the office. Choice for Voice. British voice association (BVA) biannual meeting. Online webinar. UK, September 2021.
Keynote speech on invitation. Part. II Diagnosing and treating patients with heart, brain and hands – The missing links (with Jacob Lieberman). Choice for Voice. British voice association (BVA) biannual meeting. Online webinar. UK, September 2021.
Male-to-female voice feminisation surgery. Presentation at the one day PEVOC 14 tutorial webinar. August 2021.
Stimmphysiologie, Stimmstörung ‚lesen‘, Stimmstörung ‚hören‘, Trans*Voice. Presentations at the one-day workshop STIMMWISSEN Kompakt 2021 of the MEDICAL VOICE CENTER. June 2021, Hamburg, Germany.
Benign mass lesions. Session moderator at the biannual meeting of the European Laryngological Society (ELS). May 2021.
Presbyphonia. Presentation at the biannual meeting of the European Laryngological Society (ELS). May 2021.
Sulcus, cysts and mucosal bridges. Session chair at the biannual meeting of the European Laryngological Society (ELS). May 2021.
The ‘dysmorphic complex’ – examples of a new entity. Presentation at the biannual meeting of the European Laryngological Society (ELS). May 2021.
Ten best tricks in office-based procedures. Presentation at the Olympus industrial session during the biannual meeting of the European Laryngological Society (ELS). May 2021.
Versatility and cutting properties of the TruBlue 445nm laser. Presentation together with Guillermo Campos at the ARC Laser industrial session during the biannual meeting of the European Laryngological Society (ELS). May 2021.
From office to OR and back to office: Forgotten skills and refreshed interventions. Round Table Discussion. State of the Art in Laryngology; Highlights from the European Laryngological Society. Annual symposium of the German Society of ENT doctors. May 2021, Berlin, Germany.
Manual techniques in endoscopy. Laryngoscopy today – How I do it. Session of AG Laryngologie und Trachealerkrankungen. Annual symposium of the German Society of ENT doctors. May 2021, Berlin, Germany.
Medialisation of the paralysed vocal fold with electrostimulation of the thyroarytenoid muscle (Medialisierung der gelähmten Stimmlippe durch Elektrostimulation des Musculus thyroarytaenoideus). Presentation together with G. Förster, A. Böttcher, A. Müller, Hamburg/Gera. Annual symposium of the German Society of ENT doctors. May 2021, Berlin, Germany.
Mysteries in the Bermuda Triangle: Hypopharynx-Larynx-Esophagus – multidisciplinary approaches. Moderator of panel discussion. ABEA 2021 Annual Meeting (virtual). April 2021. Philadelphia, USA.
Acute RLN in LEMG – Early therapeutic strategies. ENT-eCampus LIVE in dialogue: Neurolaryngology. Gera, Germany.
Surgery in the office. Webinar on Voice, April 2021. New Dehli, India.
Voice feminisation surgery. Webinar on Voice, April 2021. New Dehli, India.
Office based interventions – tips and tricks. Virtual consultation and webinar by Olympus Europe. March 2021, Hamburg, Germany.
Medical Expert Training: ‘In office procedures’. One-day webinar by Olympus Europe. March 2021, Hamburg, Germany.
Neues für die HNO-Praxis. Presentation for Qualitätszirkel Berliner HNO-Ärztinnen. Berlin. March 2021, Germany.
Office based interventions. Presentation at the Otolaryngology Updates – 48 hours of live webinar. UCI – ASAN – UKE universities. International virtual conference. February 2021, USA.
Meet and greet. Live Q & A webinar on voice. SONA. January 2021, Denmark.
Case presentations – T1 vocal fold cancer and percutaneous laser surgery. Panel discussion on voice. Presentation for the Laryngology & Rhinology Section of the Royal Society of Medicine in London. Webinar. January 2021, United Kingdom.
Larynx – in office treatments. Presentation for the Laryngology & Rhinology Section of the Royal Society of Medicine in London. Webinar. January 2021, United Kingdom.
Thyroplasty and arytenoid adduction. Presentation as 2021 Laryngology Visiting Professor for Grand Rounds. UT Southwestern Medical Center. Webinar. Dallas, Texas. January 2021, USA.
Experiences with the blue light laser. Presentation as 2021 Laryngology Visiting Professor for Grand Rounds. UT Southwestern Medical Center. Webinar. Dallas, Texas. January 2021, USA.
Innovations: Inducible laryngeal obstruction – an update. Presentation at the virtual British Academic Conference in Otolaryngology (BACO-International). January 2020, United Kingdom.
Blue laser surgery. Presentation at the virtual British Academic Conference in Otolaryngology (BACO-International). January 2020, United Kingdom.
Innovations in the voice, swallow and airway. Awake office surgery – biopsies and injections. Presentation at the virtual British Academic Conference in Otolaryngology (BACO-International). January 2020, United Kingdom.
Medical Expert Training: Phonosurgery in the office. 2-day hands-on workshop held by Olympus Europe. February 2020, Hamburg, Germany.
Laryngology. ENT updates on most important publications in 2019-2020. Virtual conference from MedUpdate. November 2020, Germany.
The clinical presentation and diagnosis of laryngeal palsy. Presentation by invitation from the ENT Virtual Congress in South Africa. Webinar. November 2020, South Africa.
Unilateral vocal fold immobility – diagnostics and procedures. Presentation by invitation from the Neurolaryngology Workshop series with the topic ‘Unilateral RLNP’. November 2020, Jena, Germany.
Stimmphysiologie, Stimmstörung ‚lesen‘, Stimmstörung ‚hören‘, Trans*Voice. Vorträge beim Workshop STIMMWISSEN Kompakt 2020 der DEUTSCHEN STIMMKLINIK. Oktober 2020, Hamburg, Germany.
Tutorial in Laryngeal Microsurgery: Nodules, Polyps, Granulomas, Reinke’s Edema. Presentation by invitation at the 8th International Laryngology Seminar: Evidence and Practice of the Colegio Mexicano de Laringologia y Fonocirugia. Webinar. November 2020, Mexico.
Office Based Laryngeal Surgery – tips and tricks. Presentation at the 14th Workshop on Phonosurgery. Webinar. September 2020, India.
Medialisation Laryngoplasty. Keynote speech at the 14th Workshop on Phonosurgery. Webinar. September 2020, India.
Office based laryngeal procedures. Main lecture at Scientific Program of Fifth Combined Meeting held by Brazilian Association of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery. Webinar. August 2020, Brazil.
From office to OR and back to office – Forgotten skills and refreshed interventions. Webinar held by European Laryngological Society (ELS). July 2020, Hamburg, Germany.
Medical Expert Training: ‘In office procedures’. Webinar held by Olympus Europe. July 2020, Hamburg, Germany.
BVA-Webinar with portrait of Markus Hess with moderator John Rubin, MD.
Medical Expert Training: Phonosurgery in the office. 2-day hands-on workshop held by Olympus Europe. February 2020, Hamburg, Germany.
In-office procedures. Presentation at the 10th Winter Days of Laryngology. January 2020, Crans Montana, Switzerland.
Hands-on course on blue laser use. Workshop at the 10th Winter Days of Laryngology. January 2020, Crans Montana, Switzerland.
Medical Expert Training: Phonosurgery in the office. 2-day hands-on workshop held by Olympus Europe. December 2019, Hamburg, Germany.
Laryngology. Summarized ENT update on most important publications in 2018-2019. HNO-Update, November 2019, Berlin, Germany.
Laryngology. Summarized ENT update on most important publications in 2018-2019. HNO-Update, November 2019, Mainz, Germany.
Live surgery broadcast of two cases. Office-based RRP laser surgery and office-based injection. Worldwide web-based surgery demonstration. ELS Live Surgery. November 2019, Hamburg, Germany.
Phonosurgery: Day 1: Augmentation. Hands-on workshop in collaboration with Hans Mahieu, MD, and the department of legal medicine, UKE. October 2019, Hamburg, Germany.
Phonosurgery: Day 2: Laryngeal framework surgery. Hands-on workshop in collaboration with Hans Mahieu, MD, and the department of legal medicine, UKE. October 2019, Hamburg, Germany.
Voice feminization surgery (Stimmfeminisierungsoperationen). 25th meeting of the Spanish-German Society. October 2019, Mannheim, Germany.
Percutaneous fiber guided surgery of the vocal folds. Presentation at the 25th meeting of the Spanish-German Society. October 2019, Mannheim, Germany.
The importance of good imaging for interventions in the office – In Memoriam Professor Augspach. Keynote lecture. World Phonosurgery Congress. International Association of Phonosurgery. September 2019, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Fiber guided laser surgery of the larynx and the airway. Instructional course together with Guillermo Campos. World Phonosurgery Congress. International Association of Phonosurgery. September 2019, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Medialisation thyroplasty: tips and tricks. Presentation at the World Phonosurgery Congress. International Association of Phonosurgery. September 2019, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Interventional laryngology. Instructional workshop for Uruguay ENT colleagues at the British Hospital. September 2019, Montevideo, Uruguay.
Deutscher Radiopreis. Individual voice print use and speed consulting for professional voice users. Elbphilharmonie. September 2019, Hamburg, Germany.
Difficult singer’s personalities and how to deal with them. Jacob Lieberman and Markus Hess. Presentation at the CoMeT session within the Pan European Voice Conference (PEVOC). August 2019, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Phonomicrosurgical challenges in world class professional singers. Markus Hess and Jale Papila. Presentation at the CoMeT session within the Pan European Voice Conference (PEVOC). August 2019, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Phonosurgery: Hands-on instrument demonstration. Workshop at the Pan European Voice Conference (PEVOC). August 2019, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Interdisciplinary Round Table with Dysphonic Cases. Session chair. Pan European Voice Conference (PEVOC). August 2019, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Phonosurgery and Professional Voice Users. Round Table at the Pan European Voice Conference (PEVOC). August 2019, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Endoscopy, stroboscopy, VKG and high speed imaging. Frank Müller & Markus Hess. Presentation at the scientific meeting of the European Academy of Voice (EAV). August 2019, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Dissection and phonosurgery. Presentation at the scientific meeting of the European Academy of Voice (EAV). August 2019, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Treatment algorithms for recurrent respiratory papillomatosis. Session chair. 5th Congress of the European ORL-HNS Society. June 2019, Brussels, Belgium.
Professional voice care. Session chair. 5th Congress of the European ORL-HNS Society. June 2019, Brussels, Belgium.
Office-based procedures in head and neck oncology. Session chair. 5th Congress of the European ORL-HNS Society. June 2019, Brussels, Belgium.
Voice rest following laryngeal surgery. Oral presentation. 5th Congress of the European ORL-HNS Society. June 2019, Brussels, Belgium.
Trans-nasal office approaches for benign and premalignant laryngeal disease. Instructional course. 5th Congress of the European ORL-HNS Society. June 2019, Brussels, Belgium.
Laryngology: what can I do in the office? Basic ENT session. Instructional course. 5th Congress of the European ORL-HNS Society. June 2019, Brussels, Belgium.
Laryngeal pacing and reinnervation. Oral presentation at Round Table. 5th Congress of the European ORL-HNS Society. June 2019, Brussels, Belgium.
Diagnosing and treating the strained voice. Instructional course. 5th Congress of the European ORL-HNS Society. June 2019, Brussels, Belgium.
Indirect laryngoscopy in professional voice users. Oral presentation. 5th Congress of the European ORL-HNS Society. June 2019, Brussels, Belgium.
Percutaneous fiber guided laser surgery of the endolarynx. Oral presentation. 5th Congress of the European ORL-HNS Society. June 2019, Brussels, Belgium.
Pre-Conference Instructional Course: Laryngeal office based laser course. Hans Mahieu & Markus Hess. 5th Congress of the European ORL-HNS Society. June 2019, Brussels, Belgium.
Laryngology for the advanced practitioner: Quality assurance programs. June 2019, Hamburg, Germany
Globus: Diagnostik und Therapie. Presentation at the Wangerooger HNO-Tag. June 2019, Wangerooge, Germany
Enhanced imaging – tutorial. Presentation at the Work Group session on laryngology of the German Society of ENT physicians. Annual symposium of the German Society of ENT doctors. May 2019, Berlin, Germany.
Functional electrostimulation for unilateral vocal fold paralysis. Presentation at the Joint Meeting of the American Laryngological Association (ALA) and the German Society of ENT physicians. Annual symposium of the German Society of ENT doctors. May 2019, Berlin, Germany.
20 tipps and tricks for augmentation. Presentation and moderation at the Lunchtime Seminar (industrial sponsored) at the annual symposium of the German Society of ENT doctors. May 2019, Berlin, Germany.
Fiber-guided lasers in laryngology: Hands-on workshop. Two-day international instructional course for ENT physicians. May 2019, Hamburg, Germany.
Blue Laser and NBI. Presentation and live surgery at the scientific meeting of the 21th International Workshop 2019. Laser Voice Surgery and Voice Care. May 2019, Paris, France.
Injection augmentation in the OR. Presentation at the international course Comprehensive Management of Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis. ENT University Clinic Leiden. May 2019, Leiden, Netherlands.
Injection augmentation in the Office. Presentation at the international course Comprehensive Management of Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis. ENT University Clinic Leiden. May 2019, Leiden, Netherlands.
Medialisation procedure: with self-carved prosthesis. Presentation at the international course Comprehensive Management of Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis. ENT University Clinic Leiden. May 2019, Leiden, Netherlands.
Stimmlippenveränderungen – OP-Techniken. Presentation at the 4th Hamburger Stimmsymposium 2019. April 2019, Hamburg, Germany.
Surgical instrumentation and surgical techniques. Hands-on workshop at the 4th Hamburger Stimmsymposium 2019. April 2019, Hamburg, Germany.
Moderation of several Round Tables (children’s voice, posture, special voices, at the 4th Hamburger Stimmsymposium 2019. April 2019, Hamburg, Germany.
Swallowing, breathing, voicing – for dentists (Was ich als Zahnarzt schon immer über den Schlund wissen wollte: Verschlucken – Atemstörung – Stimmstörung). Presentation at the annual meeting of dentists. April 2019, Hamburg, Germany.
EGG, indirect phonosurgery, fiber guided laser surgery, difficult-to-expose larynx, laryngeal dysplasias, chronic cough, perceptual voice assessment, case reports. Presentations at the instructional course Laryngologie Highlights for ENT physicians. March 2019, Hamburg, Germany.
The geriatric Voice. Presentation at the 23rd Annual McGill University Update in Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery. March 2019, Mont-Tremblant, Québec, Canada.
Live surgery and Presentations on topics of Cutting/Ablative Lasers and Photoangiolytic Lasers, LASER procedure: Set up, indications and anaesthesia, Tips and Tricks in Fiber-Guided Lasers in Microlaryngoscopy and Office-based Surgery, Globus pharyngis. Held at the international 3-day workshop Advanced Laryngeal Imaging & Intervention Workshop of the ENT Clinical Department University Hospital Center HongKong. February-March 2019, Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Laryngeal videoendoscopy, office-based phonosurgery, In office laryngeal procedures and one day laryngeal surgery, KTP in laryngeal surgery, Round Table of difficult cases, Swallowing tests. Presentations held at the international 2-day workshop of the ENT Clinical Department University Hospital Center Zagreb. February 2019, Zagreb, Croatia.
Stimmstörungen und Manualtherapie. Presentation at the meeting of the Akademie für Ärztliche Fortbildung – Ärzteakademie: 6. HNO Hands-On Nachmittag. February 2019, Hamburg, Germany.
Imaging, Augmentation, Thyroplasty, Phonomicrosurgery, Office-based surgery, Globus pharyngis. Half-day course with presentations at the academic course ‚Vocologia Clinica’. February 2019, Ravenna, Italy.
Recurrent nerve paralysis: (1) etiology and diagnostic work-up, (2) augmentation, (3) thyroplasty and arytenoid adduction. Presentations held at the 2-day workshop held by Dansk Laryngologisk Selskabs Årsmøde. January 2019, Middelfart, Denmark.
See and treat in the office – patient management, treatment, speeding patient pathway; Narrow Band Imaging; Hands-on session. Presentations at the Medical Expert Training: Voices of technology. 1-day workshop held by Olympus UK. January 2019, London, UK.
Der Kehlkopf als ‚Gatekeeper’ der unteren Atemwege. Presentation at the meeting of the German Society of Pulmologists. January 2018, Essen, Germany.
Laryngologie highlights: capillary ectasias, difficult exposure, arytenoid tilting, papilloma therapy, partial immobility of arytenoids. Instructional course for ENT physicians. January 2018, Hamburg, Germany.
Laryngologie highlights: capillary ectasias, difficult exposure, arytenoid tilting, papilloma therapy, partial immobility of arytenoids. Instructional course for ENT physicians. February 2018, Hamburg, Germany.
Globus, RLN paresis, papilloma and chronic laryngitis. Presentation at the LungenClinic Großhansdorf. March 2018, Großhansdorf, Germany.
Hands-on Course on Augmentation (injection laryngoplasty). Annual Meeting of The Israeli Society of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery. March 2018, Eilat, Israel.
Tips and Tricks in Enhanced Vocal Fold Imaging. Annual Meeting of The Israeli Society of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery. March 2018, Eilat, Israel.
Tricky Phonomicrosurgical Operations. Annual Meeting of The Israeli Society of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery. March 2018, Eilat, Israel.
Arytenoid Adduction. Annual Meeting of The Israeli Society of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery. March 2018, Eilat, Israel.
Visualisierung der Stimmlippen – gutes Endoskop, andere Diagnose? Workshop at the Hamburger Stimmsymposium 2018. April 2018, Hamburg, Germany.
Altersstimme und Lipoaugmentation. Presentation at the Hamburger Stimmsymposium 2018. April 2018, Hamburg, Germany.
Moderation of many Round Table discussions at the Hamburger Stimmsymposium 2018. April 2018, Hamburg, Germany.
New horizons in office-based laryngeal surgery. Presentation at the Third Middle East Voice and Laryngology Symposium. April 2018, Beirut, Lebanon.
Tilted Arytenoids: How Should We Deal with Them? Presentation at the Third Middle East Voice and Laryngology Symposium. April 2018, Beirut, Lebanon.
Transnasal laryngeal injections and laser surgery. Instructional Course. Presentation at the biannual meeting of the European Laryngological Society (ELS). May 2018, London, United Kingdom.
Osteopathic medicine globus: Practical approach to examination and treatment. Presentation together with Jacob Lieberman at the biannual meeting of the European Laryngological Society (ELS). May 2018, London, United Kingdom.
In-office steroid injection in scarred vocal folds. Instructional Course. Presentation at the biannual meeting of the European Laryngological Society (ELS). May 2018, London, United Kingdom.
Zoom-laryngoscopy – how to achieve maximum magnification of the vocal folds during indirect laryngoscopy. Poster together with Susanne Fleischer at the biannual meeting of the European Laryngological Society (ELS). May 2018, London, United Kingdom.
Musikermedizin: Fokus Singstimme – Prävention, Diagnose, Therapie der professionellen Singstimme. Presentation at the MEDICAL VOICE CENTER: May 2018, Hamburg, Germany.
Die Stimme. Öffentlicher Meisterkurs. Wunderwerk Stimme. Presentation at the Körber-Stiftung. May 2018, Hamburg, Germany.
Laryngologie highlights: High resolution endoscopy, voice analysis, benign mass lesions, blue laser, aging vocie, asthma and voice, Reinke’s edema, indirect laryngeal surgery, case reports. Instructional course for ENT physicians. May 2018, Hamburg, Germany.
Dysplasia treatment in laryngology in the office and voice. 1st Transoral Laser Microsurgery Workshop. June 2018, Bordeaux, France.
Office based fiber-guided laser surgery of the larynx. Hands-on workshop at the 1st Transoral Laser Microsurgery Workshop. June 2018, Bordeaux, France.
Flexible endoscopy in the office. Key note speech at the annual conference of the Northern German Society of Otorhinolaryngology. June 2018, Oldenburg, Germany.
Instructional course on photoangiolytic lasers; RT on management of benign vocal fold lesions; instructional course on office-based phonosurgery; RT on controversy: hoarseness and reflux – is there any scientific relationship?; workshop on osteopathic approach to examination and treatment of muscle tension dysphonia (with Jacob Lieberman); RT on unilateral vocal cord paralysis: experience on augmentation. RT on emergency voice medicine and when to cancel a concert. 29th International Congress of Union of the European Phoniatricians (UEP), June 2018, Helsinki, Finland.
Instructional course on office based laser surgery. BACO International. July 2018, Manchester, UK.
Presentation on Laser wars: a new force awakens; workshop on To use or to not use flexible lasers. 15th Biennial Phonosurgery Symposium, University of Wisconsin, July 2018, Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
The aging voice and the therapy of presbylaryngis. Presentation at the biannual meeting of the Salzburg Voice Symposium, August 2018, Salzburg, Austria.
Surgical options in recurrent nerve paralysis. Key note speech at the annual meeting of pulmologists of Hessen. August 2018, Lauterbach, Germany.
Laryngologie highlights: High resolution endoscopy, voice analysis, benign mass lesions, blue laser, aging vocie, asthma and voice, Reinke’s edema, indirect laryngeal surgery, case reports. Instructional course for ENT physicians. September 2018, Hamburg, Germany.
Current topics on laryngology for ENT specialists. Presentation at the annual meeting of ENT doctors. September 2018, Berlin, Germany.
Application of blue lasers in otolaryngology. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Hispanic-German society of otolaryngology (SORLA, SHAORL). September 2018, Sevilla, Spain.
Vocal fold augmentation. Key note speech (together with Monika Tigges) at the annual conference of the South-Western German Society of Otorhinolaryngology. September 2018, Karlsruhe, Germany.
Laser office procedures. Presentation at the 5th Manchester laryngeal laser & airway surgery course. October 2018, Manchester, UK.
Presentation on Laser wars: a new force awakens; workshop on To use or to not use flexible lasers. 15th Biennial Phonosurgery Symposium, University of Wisconsin, July 2018, Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
The aging voice and the therapy of presbylaryngis. Presentation at the biannual meeting of the Salzburg Voice Symposium, August 2018, Salzburg, Austria.
Surgical options in recurrent nerve paralysis. Key note speech at the annual meeting of pulmologists of Hessen. August 2018, Lauterbach, Germany.
Laryngologie highlights: High resolution endoscopy, voice analysis, benign mass lesions, blue laser, aging vocie, asthma and voice, Reinke’s edema, indirect laryngeal surgery, case reports. Instructional course for ENT physicians. September 2018, Hamburg, Germany.
Current topics on laryngology for ENT specialists. Presentation at the annual meeting of ENT doctors. September 2018, Berlin, Germany.
Application of blue lasers in otolaryngology. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Hispanic-German society of otolaryngology (SORLA, SHAORL). September 2018, Sevilla, Spain.
Vocal fold augmentation. Key note speech (together with Monika Tigges) at the annual conference of the South-Western German Society of Otorhinolaryngology. September 2018, Karlsruhe, Germany.
Laser office procedures. Presentation at the 5th Manchester laryngeal laser & airway surgery course. October 2018, Manchester, UK.
Phonosurgery: Day 1: Augmentation. Hands-on workshop in collaboration with Hans Mahieu, MD, and the department of legal medicine, UKE. October 2018, Hamburg, Germany.
Phonosurgery: Day 2: Laryngeal framework surgery. Hands-on workshop in collaboration with Hans Mahieu, MD, and the department of legal medicine, UKE. October 2018, Hamburg, Germany.
Application of picosecond infrared laser (PIRL) in phonomicrosurgery. Presentation at the MPSD Seminar at DESY. October 2018, Hamburg, Germany.
Laser Debate – Tell Me What’s Your Status? Which One & Why? Round table at the 1st Meeting of the Laryngology Society of South Africa and Joint Meeting with The International Association of Phonosurgery (IAP). October 2018, Cape Town, South Africa.
In Office Procedures: The Way Forward. Presentation at the 1st Meeting of the Laryngology Society of South Africa and Joint Meeting with The International Association of Phonosurgery (IAP). October 2018, Cape Town, South Africa.
Blue laser: demo and hands-on workshop at the 1st Meeting of the Laryngology Society of South Africa and Joint Meeting with The International Association of Phonosurgery (IAP). October 2018, Cape Town, South Africa.
Preoperative 3-D Morphometrical Imaging for Ideal Implant Configuration. Presentation at the 1st Meeting of the Laryngology Society of South Africa and Joint Meeting with The International Association of Phonosurgery (IAP). October 2018, Cape Town, South Africa.
My Most Difficult Case. Panel at the 1st Meeting of the Laryngology Society of South Africa and Joint Meeting with The International Association of Phonosurgery (IAP). October 2018, Cape Town, South Africa.
The 445nm laser (blue laser) at the Laryngeal Technology Workshop. Demo and hands-on workshop at the 3rd Laryngology Society of Australasia Conference. November 2018, Adelaide, Australia.
Blue laser or KTP: What is the difference and what is the evidence? Session Innovations in Laryngology. Presentation at the 3rd Laryngology Society of Australasia Conference. November 2018, Adelaide, Australia.
Innovations and innervations for vocal fold paralysis. Session neurolaryngology. Presentation at the 3rd Laryngology Society of Australasia Conference. November 2018, Adelaide, Australia.
Office based interventions: all my tricks. Session ENT tricks. Presentation at the 3rd Laryngology Society of Australasia Conference. November 2018, Adelaide, Australia.
Be careful, surgeon. Session Team management of the professional performer. Presentation at the 3rd Laryngology Society of Australasia Conference. November 2018, Adelaide, Australia.
Fiber-guided lasers in laryngology: Hands-on workshop. International instructional course for ENT physicians. November 2018, Hamburg, Germany.
Osteopathic management of muscle tension dysphonia (MTD) and associated symptoms. Jacob Lieberman & Markus Hess. Workshop. December 2018, Hamburg, Germany.
Medical Expert Training: Phonosurgery in the office. 2-day workshop held by Olympus Europe. December 2018, Hamburg, Germany.
Early changes of voice as first symptom of laryngeal cancer. Lecture on invitation. ELS workshop ‚Early cancer of the larynx’. January 2017. Leipzig, Germany.
Laryngologie Highlights: the aging voice, spasmodic dysphonia, Injections, transgender medicine, chronic cough, RBH perceptual voice analysis. Instructional course for ENT physicians. January 2017, Hamburg, Germany.
Office surgery. Keynote speech. World Phonocon International Symposium and International Association of Phonosurgery. February 2017. Gurgaon, India.
Future techniques in phonosurgery. Keynote speech. World Phonocon International Symposium and International Association of Phonosurgery. February 2017. Gurgaon, India.
Blue Laser. Workshop. World Phonocon International Symposium and International Association of Phonosurgery. February 2017. Gurgaon, India.
Live surgery – intraoperative demonstration of blue laser technology. World Phonocon International Symposium and International Association of Phonosurgery. February 2017. Gurgaon, India.
In-office interventions. Keynote speech. Curso Internacional de Otorinolaringologia. March 2017. Cartagena, Colombia.
Surgery with the KTP laser. Keynote speech. Curso Internacional de Otorinolaringologia. March 2017. Cartagena, Colombia.
Globus pharyngeus. Keynote speech. Curso Internacional de Otorinolaringologia. March 2017. Cartagena, Colombia.
Surgical management of the professional voice user. Round Table. Curso Internacional de Otorinolaringologia. March 2017. Cartagena, Colombia.
Phonosurgery. Keynote speech. Danish Speech and Hearing Association (ALF). March 2017. Nyborg, Denmark.
Erkrankungen der Stimme – Diagnostik und Therapie. Deutscher Berufsverband der Hals-Nasen-Ohrenärzte e.V. Landesverband Schleswig-Holstein. April 2017. Neumünster, Germany.
Laryngologie Highlights: voice range profile, stroboscopy, dysphagia, FEES, VCD, globus, phonomicrosurgery, immobile vocal fold, ventricular fold cysts. Instructional course for ENT physicians. April 2017, Hamburg, Germany.
Phonomicrosurgery in singers. Key note speech. Heidelberger Frühling – Die professionelle Singstimme. Symposium in cooperation university ENT clinic Heidelberg. April 2017, Heidelberg, Germany.
Larynxeingriffe mit flexiblen Optiken. 4. HNO-Wintertreffen. Obertauern, Österreich.
Stimmlippenoperationen und postoperatives Patientenverhalten. 4. HNO-Wintertreffen. Obertauern, Österreich.
Chronic cough, intubation & cannulas, phonosurgery. Presentations at the Hamburger Stimmsymposium 2017 and pre-symposium workshops. April 2017, Hamburg, Germany.
Injection laryngoplasty. Hands-on workshop in collaboration with Hans Mahieu, MD, and the department of legal medicine, UKE. April 2017, Hamburg, Germany.
Office based laser procedures. Demonstration of office based KTP surgery. Presentations at the scientific meeting ‚Laryngological operations and office-based surgery’. May 2017, Erlangen, Germany.
Panel discussion: Treatment techniques in unilateral vocal fold paresis. Presentation at the scientific meeting ‚Laryngological operations and office-based surgery’. May 2017, Erlangen, Germany.
Live demonstration Type I Thyroplasty. Presentation at the scientific meeting ‚Laryngological operations and office-based surgery’. May 2017, Erlangen, Germany.
Reinke-Ödem: Phonomikrochirurgie oder KTP-Laser? Presentation at Round Table of the section Laryngology. Annual Meeting of the German ENT Society. May 2017, Erfurt, Germany.
Larynx-Injektionen und Laser-OPs mit flexiblen Endoskopen. Presentation at Lunchtime Seminar ‚Olympus’. Annual Meeting of the German ENT Society. May 2017, Erfurt, Germany.
Stimmlippenaugmentation – nicht nur bei Rekurrensparese. Presentation at Lunchtime Seminar Spiggle&Theis. Annual Meeting of the German ENT Society. May 2017, Erfurt, Germany.
Husten, Lähmung, Dysphagie, Intubation: Interdisziplinäre Laryngologie für Pneumologen. Presentations at the LungenClinic Hamburg. May 2017, Hamburg, Germany.
Phonochirurgie: Tipps und Tricks zur Augmentation. Presentation at the Wangerooger HNO-Tag. June 2017, Wangerooge, Germany.
Phonochirurgie: Tipps und Tricks zur Thyreoplastik. Presentation at the Wangerooger HNO-Tag. June 2017, Wangerooge, Germany.
The application of Osteopathic Medicine in diagnosis and treatment of muscle tension dysphonia (MTD) and associated symptoms. Jacob Lieberman & Markus Hess. Presentations at the scientific meeting Annual Meeting of the German Society of Logopedists. June 2017, Mainz, Germany.
Normale Stimme nach einseitiger Rekurrensparese – Möglichkeiten der spezifischen Phonochirurgie. Presentation at the scientific meeting Schilddrüsenkongress. June 2017, München, Germany.
Office based laser treatment: “Blue Laser”. Presentation at the scientific meeting 20th International Workshop 2017. Laser Voice Surgery and Voice Care. June 2017, Paris, France.
Laryngeal injection in the office. How I do it. Instructional course at the scientific meeting IFOS ENT World Congress. June 2017, Paris, France.
Blue Laser. Presentation at the scientific meeting IFOS ENT World Congress. June 2017, Paris, France.
Round Table ‘Office based laryngology. The new frontiers’. Moderator and presenter at the scientific meeting IFOS ENT World Congress. June 2017, Paris, France.
Rotation Laryngoscopy – a helpful but rarely used technique in laryngoscopy. Susanne Fleischer & Markus Hess. Poster at the scientific meeting IFOS ENT World Congress. June 2017, Paris, France.
New ‚blue laser’ with 445 nm wavelength for office-based laryngological indications combining photoangiolytic and cutting properties. Poster at the scientific meeting IFOS ENT World Congress. June 2017, Paris, France.
Endoscopy, stroboscopy, VKG and high speed imaging. Frank Müller & Markus Hess. Presentation at the scientific meeting of the European Academy of Voice (EAV). August 2017, Ghent, Belgium.
Dissection and phonosurgery. Presentation at the scientific meeting of the European Academy of Voice (EAV). August 2017, Ghent, Belgium.
Office based laser surgery. Workshop at the Pan European Voice Conference (PEVOC). August/September 2017, Ghent, Belgium.
Advanced laryngology Part I: Hearing a voice problem. James Thomas & Markus Hess. Instructional Course at the Pan European Voice Conference (PEVOC). August/September 2017, Ghent, Belgium.
Advanced laryngology Part II: Seeing a voice problem. James Thomas & Markus Hess. Instructional Course at the Pan European Voice Conference (PEVOC). August/September 2017, Ghent, Belgium.
Controversy: Hoarseness and reflux – is there any scientific relationship? Participant at the Round Table on reflux. Pan European Voice Conference (PEVOC). August/September 2017, Ghent, Belgium.
Office microsurgical procedures and lasers. Presentation at the Round Table on ‚Office microsurgical procedures and lasers’. International Association of Phonosurgery. August 2017, Ghent, Belgium.
Laryngologie highlights: voice range profile, stroboscopy, dysphagia, FEES, VCD, globus, phonomicrosurgery, immobile vocal fold, ventricular fold cysts. Instructional course for ENT physicians. September 2017, Hamburg, Germany.
Neue Entwicklungen zu einseitiger Stimmbandparese, Aryluxation, Vocal Cord Dysfunction, Kontaktgranulom und Globusgefühl. Annual Conference of the Southwestern German Society of Otorhinolaryngology. September 2017, Koblenz, Germany.
Räuspern (throat clearing). Presentation at the annual meeting of Hamburger Facharztgespräche. September 2017, Hamburg, Germany.
Pre-Conference Instructional Course: Laryngeal Injection augmentation. Hans Mahieu & Markus Hess. 4th Congress of the European ORL-HNS Society. October 2017, Barcelona, Spain.
Pre-Conference Instructional Course: Laryngeal office based laser course. Hans Mahieu & Markus Hess. 4th Congress of the European ORL-HNS Society. October 2017, Barcelona, Spain.
Injection laryngoplasty. Instructional Course. Hans Mahieu & Markus Hess. 4th Congress of the European ORL-HNS Society. October 2017, Barcelona, Spain.
Injection augmentation in office setting. Instructional Course. Hans Mahieu & Markus Hess. 4th Congress of the European ORL-HNS Society. October 2017, Barcelona, Spain.
KTP laser treatment in office setting. Instructional Course. Hans Mahieu & Markus Hess. 4th Congress of the European ORL-HNS Society. October 2017, Barcelona, Spain.
Office-based procedures and laser surgery in laryngology: Hands-on workshop. International instructional course for ENT physicians. December 2017, Hamburg, Germany.
Larynxinjektionen in der Praxis. Presentation at the meeting of 2. Hamburger Forum für Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde. December 2017, Hamburg, Germany.
Office-Based Laser Surgery In Laryngology: Hands-On Workshop. January 2016, Hamburg, Germany.
VCD und weitere laryngologische Erkrankungen. Presentation at the LungenClinic Großhansdorf. March 2016, Hamburg, Germany.
Erkrankungen der Stimme – Diagnostik und Therapie. Presentation at the regional meeting of ENT society. April 2016, Bad Zwischenahn, Germany.
Hamburger Stimmsymposium 2016 and pre-symposium workshops. Multiple presentations. April 2016, Hamburg, Germany.
Laryngologie highlights: NBI, dysphagia, spectrography, esophagoscopy, laser surgery, injection laryngoplasty. Instructional course for ENT physicians. April 2016, Hamburg, Germany.
Phonosurgery with the KTP laser. Presentation at the 2nd Course of the European Academy of Phoniatrics (EAP). April 2016, Prague, Czech Republic.
Laryngeal EMG and Spasmodic Dysphonia. Presentation at the 2nd Course of the European Academy of Phoniatrics (EAP). April 2016, Prague, Czech Republic.
Laryngology and Phonosurgery: Tips, tricks and current opinions. Presentation at the regional meeting of Dutch ENT colleagues at VU medisch centrum. May 2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Diagnostik und Therapie der unilateralen Recurrensparese – Entscheidungsfindung an Fallbeispielen. Moderator of Round Table. Annual symposium of the German Society of ENT doctors. May 2016, Düsseldorf, Germany.
Lipoaugmentation der Stimmlippe mit körpereigenem Fett. Presentation at the Lunchtime Seminar (industrial sponsoring) at the annual symposium of the German Society of ENT doctors. May 2016, Düsseldorf, Germany.
Laryngologie highlights: NBI, dysphagia, spectrography, esophagoscopy, laser surgery, injection laryngoplasty. Instructional course for ENT physicians. May 2016, Hamburg, Germany.
Lunchtime seminar (industrial sponsoring) at the annual symposium of the German Society of ENT doctors. May 2016, Düsseldorf, Germany.
Office-based Procedures in der Laryngologie. Presentation at the annual meeting of the North German Society of ENT doctors. June 2016, Hamburg, Germany.
Management of Swallowing Disorders, Reflux, and Chronic Cough. Panelist at Round Table at the biannual meeting of the European Laryngological Society (ELS). June 2016, Genua, Italy.
Advances in Neurolaryngology. Panelist at Round Table at the biannual meeting of the European Laryngological Society (ELS). June 2016, Genua, Italy.
Office-Based Surgery – Laryngeal Procedures. Keynote lecture at the biannual meeting of the European Laryngological Society (ELS). June 2016, Genua, Italy.
Therapieoptionen bei Recurrensparese. Presentation at the expert symposium on ‚Das differenzierte Schilddrüsenkarzinom’. June 2016, Hamburg, Germany.
Do it in the office. Presentation at the 12th International Voice Symposium. August 2016, Salzburg, Austria.
Erkrankungen der Stimme – Diagnostik und Therapie. Presentation at the regional meeting of ENT society. September 2016, Bremen, Germany.
Globus und Verschleimung. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Hamburg ENT society. September 2016, Hamburg, Germany.
Patient examination in cases muscular tension dysphonia. Presentation at the workshop Laryngeal Manipulation and Osteopathy from Jacob Lieberman. September 2016, Hamburg, Germany.
Early symptoms of vocal overdoing – the repetitive strain injury. Keynote speech. International conference of the Union of European Phoniatricians (UEP). September 2016, Bilbao, Spain.
Office surgery. Keynote speech. International conference of the Union of European Phoniatricians (UEP). September 2016, Bilbao, Spain.
Phonosurgery of Scars (together with Ferran Ferran Vila). Keynote speech. International conference of the Union of European Phoniatricians (UEP). September 2016, Bilbao, Spain.
Think the link – Zurück zur Stimme. Presentation at the annual meeting of Hamburger Facharztgespräche. October 2016, Hamburg, Germany.
Fortschritte in der Laryngologie – in der Praxis. Keynote speech. Annual meeting of the German Society of ENT doctors „Fortbildungsveranstaltung für HNO-Ärzte“. October 2016, Mannheim, Germany.
Laryngeal procedures in doctor’s office: It is a Brazilian reality? Round Table (moderator). 46th Brazilian Congress on Otorhinolaryngology and Cervical-Facial Surgery. November 2016, Goiania, Brazil.
Tips and tricks in vocal fold augmentation. Keynote speech. 46th Brazilian Congress on Otorhinolaryngology and Cervical-Facial Surgery. November 2016, Goiania, Brazil.
Biomechanics of the arytenoid cartilage. Keynote speech. 46th Brazilian Congress on Otorhinolaryngology and Cervical-Facial Surgery. November 2016, Goiania, Brazil.
And now, doctor? Difficult cases. Round Table. 46th Brazilian Congress on Otorhinolaryngology and Cervical-Facial Surgery. November 2016, Goiania, Brazil.
Pin-up glottoplasty: A new concept for simple vocal fold medialization. Keynote speech. 46th Brazilian Congress on Otorhinolaryngology and Cervical-Facial Surgery. November 2016, Goiania, Brazil.
Prevention in Art: the Art of Prevention. Session I with Lectio Magistralis (moderator). Annual international conference of Collegium Medicorum Theatri (CoMeT). November 2016, Milano, Italy.
Neurolaryngologie. Expert meeting on neurolaryngologic hot topics. Desitin Company, December 2016, Hamburg, Germany.
Laryngologie Highlights: the aging voice, spasmodic dysphonia, Injections, transgender medicine, chronic cough, RBH perceptual voice analysis. Instructional course for ENT physicians. December 2016, Hamburg, Germany.
TA injections: Transoral injections. Presentation at the 5th Winter Days of Laryngology. January 2015, Crans Montana, Switzerland.
Biodynamics of the crico-arytenoid joint. Presentation at the 5th Winter Days of Laryngology. January 2015, Crans Montana, Switzerland.
The controversy: To push, to pex or to adduct. Advocate 3: Arytenoid adduction. Presentation at the 5th Winter Days of Laryngology. January 2015, Crans Montana, Switzerland.
Office based surgery: The evolution over the years. Presentation at the scientific meeting of ENT surgeons of Egypt. Interventions in Laryngology: From Office to OR. February 2015, Cairo, Egypt.
Injection laryngoplasty: past – present and future. Presentation at the scientific meeting of ENT surgeons of Egypt. Interventions in Laryngology: From Office to OR. February 2015, Cairo, Egypt.
Laryngoscopy techniques in the office. Presentation at the scientific meeting of ENT surgeons of Egypt. Interventions in Laryngology: From Office to OR. February 2015, Cairo, Egypt.
KTP-Laser in the office. Presentation at the scientific meeting of ENT surgeons of Egypt. Interventions in Laryngology: From Office to OR. February 2015, Cairo, Egypt.
Narrow band imaging: NBI. Presentation at the scientific meeting of ENT surgeons of Egypt. Interventions in Laryngology: From Office to OR. February 2015, Cairo, Egypt.
Phonosurgery: Tips and tricks. Presentation at the scientific meeting of ENT surgeons of Egypt. Interventions in Laryngology: From Office to OR. February 2015, Cairo, Egypt.
The integrity of the vocal fold (anatomy and pathophysiology). Presentation at the scientific meeting of ENT surgeons of Egypt. Interventions in Laryngology: From Office to OR. February 2015, Cairo, Egypt.
DVT and preoperative planning before thyroplasty. Presentation at the scientific meeting of ENT surgeons of Egypt. Interventions in Laryngology: From Office to OR. February 2015, Cairo, Egypt.
Why surgery of Reinke´s edema is special. Presentation at the scientific meeting of ENT surgeons of Egypt. Interventions in Laryngology: From Office to OR. February 2015, Cairo, Egypt.
Biomechanics of the arytenoid cartilage. Presentation at the scientific meeting of ENT surgeons of Egypt. Interventions in Laryngology: From Office to OR. February 2015, Cairo, Egypt.
Differential diagnosis between essential tremor and spastic dysphonia. Approach and treatment. Presentation at the Course on diagnostic and functional and phonosurgical treatment of benign lesions of the vocal folds. March 2015, Barcelona, Spain.
Injection laryngoplasty and thyroplasty. Presentation at the Course on diagnostic and functional and phonosurgical treatment of benign lesions of the vocal folds. March 2015, Barcelona, Spain.
Office based laser treatment: KTP-PDL-CO2 guidelines. Presentation at the Laser Voice Surgery Course. March 2015, Paris, France.
Hören mit dem Gehirn. Presentation at the meeting of a DFG grant project. April 2015, Bremen, Germany.
Phonosurgery: Tipps and tricks. Presentation at the 5th Annual Meeting of the Finnish Society of Laryngology, HEIKKI RIHKANEN Symposium. April 17, 2015, Helsinki, Finland.
KTP laser surgery. Presentation at the 5th Annual Meeting of the Finnish Society of Laryngology, HEIKKI RIHKANEN Symposium. April 17, 2015, Helsinki, Finland.
Office based laryngeal injections. Presentation at the 10th Conference of the Audiological and Phoniatrical Sections of the Polish Society of Otorhinolaryngology. May 2015, Bydgoszcz, Poland.
Injections in general anesthesia. Presentation at the 10th Conference of the Audiological and Phoniatrical Sections of the Polish Society of Otorhinolaryngology. May 2015, Bydgoszcz, Poland.
Reinke’s edema. Presentation at the 10th Conference of the Audiological and Phoniatrical Sections of the Polish Society of Otorhinolaryngology. May 2015, Bydgoszcz, Poland.
Professional Voice Care at a Voice Clinic. Key-note presentation at the Meeting of the Société Française de Phoniatrie et des Pathologies de la Communication. June 2015, Paris.
Controversies in the diagnosis of Voice Disorders. The Bermuda triangle of voice and swallowing- the hypopharynx and posterior larynx. Key-note presentation at the 15th British Academic Conference in Otolaryngology (BACO2015). July 2015, Liverpool, UK.
Performing voice: Assessment of the performer’s voice – from videostroboscopy to voice outcomes. Key-note presentation at the British Laryngological Association (BLA). July 2015, Liverpool, UK.
Surgical tenets for the damaged voice. Key-note presentation at the 15th British Voice Association (BVA). July 2015, Liverpool, UK.
Can type I thyroplasty implants directly medialize the vocal process? Presentation at the 11th Pan European Voice Conference (PEVOC). August 2015, Florence, Italy.
Pin-up glottoplasty: A new technique to medialize or lateralize the vocal fold in recurrent nerve paralysis. Presentation at the 11th Pan European Voice Conference (PEVOC). August 2015, Florence, Italy.
Phonomicrosurgery. Presentation at the Round Table Phonosurgical Challenges In Professional Singers at the 11th Pan European Voice Conference (PEVOC). August 2015, Florence, Italy.
High sensitivity FEES with NBI-illumination. Coauthor of presentation at the 11th Pan European Voice Conference (PEVOC). August 2015, Florence, Italy.
Endoscopy, stroboscopy, VKG and high speed imaging. Presentation at the European Academy of Voice. August 2015, Florence, Italy.
Dissection and phonosurgery. Presentation at the European Academy of Voice. August 2015, Florence, Italy.
Phonochirurgie. Key-note presentation at Jubiläumssymposion Phoniatrie-Pädaudiologie Bonn. September 2015, Bonn, Germany.
Stimme behandeln und erhalten. Presentation at the Rotary Club Hamburg-Wandsbek. September 2015, Hamburg, Germany.
NBI in benign mass lesions. Presentation at the 10th European Laryngological Society (ELS) Workshop – Contemporary imaging of the larynx. October 2015, Poznan, Poland.
Intraoperative rigid endoscopy 0°, 70°, 120° optics. Presentation at the 10th European Laryngological Society (ELS) Workshop – Contemporary imaging of the larynx. October 2015, Poznan, Poland.
Digital volume tomography. Presentation at the 10th European Laryngological Society (ELS) Workshop – Contemporary imaging of the larynx. October 2015, Poznan, Poland.
Tips and tricks in office-based laryngoscopy. Coauthor of presentation at the 10th European Laryngological Society (ELS) Workshop – Contemporary imaging of the larynx. October 2015, Poznan, Poland.
Surgery on cordal polyps. Key-note presentation at the Session Phoniatrics, Phonosurgery and Singing of the Symposium La Voce Artistica. October 2015, Ravenna, Italy.
NBI, HD-Endoskopie, Stimmfeld, KTP-Laser, Papillome, Augmentation, Leukoplakie-Biofilm. Part 1. Presentations for ENT colleagues at Instructional Course at MEDICAL VOICE CENTER. November 2015, Hamburg, Germany.
EMG, TNE, Augmentation, Thyreoplastik, Rekurrensparese, Sulcus vocalis. Part 2. Presentations for ENT colleagues at Instructional Course at MEDICAL VOICE CENTER. November 2015, Hamburg, Germany.
Diagnostik, Therapie, Repetitive Strain Injury. Presentations at the Get-Together Meeting with Logopedics in Northern Germany. Presentations at Instructional Course at MEDICAL VOICE CENTER. November 2015, Hamburg, Germany.
New features in phonosurgery. Presentations at the meeting of female ENT doctors of the Netherlands. Instructional Course. November 2015, Hamburg, Germany.
Thyroplasty and arytenoidectomy. Key-note presentation at the 3rd International Symposium of Voice. November 2015, Oporto, Portugal.
(…) in recurrent respiratory papilloma. Key-note presentation at the 3rd International Symposium of Voice. November 2015, Oporto, Portugal.
Office-based KTP laser in Laryngology. Key-note presentation at the 3rd International Symposium of Voice. November 2015, Oporto, Portugal.
Lesson learned: In-office augmentation. Presentation at the 5th Advances and Controversies in Laryngology (ACL) meeting. December 2015, Chicago, USA.
Pin-up glottoplasty. Presentation at the 5th Advances and Controversies in Laryngology (ACL) meeting. December 2015, Chicago, USA.
Phonomikrochirurgie, ambulante OPs, Elektroglottography, Case-report RRP. Part 3. Presentations for ENT colleagues at Instructional Course at MEDICAL VOICE CENTER. November 2015, Hamburg, Germany.